Saturday, February 18, 2012

Leaving on a jet plane

Tonight, I leave to come home. I wish I could say that Julie and her new daughter were coming too, but the paperwork process is not quite done yet. They have been blessed with miracle after miracle in their adoption process, and soon they will be flying home too!

Leaving is so bittersweet! Of course, I am ready to be home with Charlie and the kids! But, it is so hard to say goodbye to these little faces that I know and love! I am very blessed to have been able to come and love of these little ones. As I have held them and kissed them, I have felt the tug on my heartstrings! They will not be forgotten!

I am so glad that I can trust that my heavenly Father, the Maker of heaven and earth, has them in His care. I can't wait to meet each of these children again someday, either here or in heaven, and hear the wonderful stories of how Jesus loved them so much! And to meet the forever families who were so blessed to have these beautiful children in their lives!

1 comment:

  1. Well...I think you'll be leaving in about an hour and a half, which means you're already at the Entebbe airport. Praying for a restful trip home for you.
