Friday, January 4, 2013

To God Be the Glory

God has closed so many doors throughout the past year and a half that we thought we were not going to go to Uganda - at least we thought for now.  We had decided to move back into our house at the end of August and then God miraculously sold our house.  We were confused as to why He did that since we had no plans to go to Uganda.  It makes more sense now.  If we had moved back into our house, we would've been closed to what He had in mind for us.  He wasn't done with us yet. 
Amy's friend was in Uganda a couple months ago adopting a child, and Amy asked her if there were other children that she knew of that needed a family.  She said there were two sisters needing to be adopted, ages 5 and 3.  We prayed about it and got in touch with the adoption agency.  They were very helpful, and we started the process.  We applied to the adoption agency, and we were accepted.  We re-started our homestudy and are currently in the process of gathering all of the required information for international adoption.  We plan on going to Uganda this spring with our kids to bring their sisters home.  God has provided all along.  His plans are perfect.  God WAS opening doors for us and because of so many closed doors, it was confirmation that we were doing what He wanted.  As if to give us even more encouragement, we found out that someone donated to the agency to help with our adoption expenses.  This was shocking to us since we hadn’t told very many people that we were adopting and even fewer people the name of the agency we are using. 
As you can imagine, taking Amy and I and 4 kids to Uganda and bringing 6 kids back is expensive.  Combine this with the adoption fees, and it easily becomes very overwhelming.  God has provided once again in a very big way.  Yesterday, I was handed a check for almost the exact amount it will take to cover our costs!  Cody said, “That’s an answered prayer!”  Brandy said, “Now we know God wants us to adopt them!”  As the saying goes, “God is rarely early, but He is never late.”  We are soooo glad that He is in control!!!!