Saturday, January 28, 2012

First thoughts extend

I have always wanted to go to africa. Yet, knowing that I was leaving my family for 25 days left me crying myself to sleep (for the one hour I went to bed :)) on Wednesday night. I keep telling God that I am not adequate to do the things that He asks of me. And He keeps telling me that "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength" and "His strength is made perfect in my weakness" and "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by man. He is not served by humans hands as if He needed anything because He Himself gives men life and breath and everything else(Acts 17:24, 25) So really the journey of following Him to the places He has for me, these 25 days it is Uganda, is not about ME and what I can do, but about HIM and taking a seat in the front row to see all that brings Him glory.

So, my initial reaction to Uganda, the place that we were are going to live as a family was that it was hot and sticky at 10pm at night! Also, to see the country for the first time late at night meant that I saw people walking in busy streets and groups of them around fires by the side of the road and the night life. It shook me a bit, not leaving me feeling "safe". I started to pray that I would see through the eyes of faith. God is good all the time!

(We are very limited on posting photos of the kids. So for now I am including a picture of my bed with the mosquito net I sleep under at night and the gecko in our room.)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the gecko--he'll help eat the mosquitoes!!!

    Praying for you both.
